
Downflow Plus

  • Ocupa poco espacio
  • Configuración flexible
  • Tecnología de humidificación “Plus”
  • Ángulos de flujo de aire óptimos
  • Gestión precisa de la temperatura


In the chilling tunnel, eviscerated products are cooled to a predefined deep core temperature in a very short period of time. The structure and quality will not be disturbed. Weight loss, caused by the cooling process, is limited to a minimum due to air blowing in an exact mixture of temperature, speed and quantity. This process decreases the total chilling time substantially compared to other pre-chilling systems.

Each conveyor layer in the chilling tunnel has alternating positions to reduce to the risk of products dripping on one another.

To prevent dehydration of products during the air chill phase and to control presentation and color, Marel Poultry has developed its 'Plus' technology. This consists of moisturizing cabinets mounted on 180° corner wheels outside the main box of the air chiller itself. They moisten either all inside and outside surfaces or outside surfaces only. The number, mixture and position will depend on the required product presentation. Please note that no moisture or water is added to the product itself!

  • Completely automatic in-line system
  • Detailed information, tracking and tracing
  • High-speed air blown on the products without harming quality 
  • Very rapid cooling to the desired deep muscle temperature
  • Downflow 'Plus' moisturizing cabinets  prevent dehydration od products
  • Correct control of the air temperature, avoiding freezing of thinner parts 
  • 'Used' air is sucked back to the evaporator/cooler to be cooled again
  • Alternating overhead conveyor tiers
  • Also suitable for chilling giblets, transported on a belt conveyor


Marel ofrece a sus clientes diferentes soluciones de servicio para prevenir fallos, maximizar el rendimiento o el servicio reactivo en caso de averías inesperadas.

Marel tiene oficinas en 30 países en todas las regiones, y una red global de profesionales altamente cualificados que proporcionan soporte remoto y servicio in situ. Proporcionamos piezas de repuesto de calidad y acuerdos de servicio personalizados para nuestros clientes con el fin de garantizar un rendimiento óptimo de los equipos Marel.

Andrei Brumaru
Ron Prestage2

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