
Shock Maturation Chilling system

  • Rapid chilling
  • Optimum tenderness
  • Inhibits bacteria growth
  • Minimal weight loss


A Shock Maturation Chill two-stage tunnel both chills and tenderizes. For optimum tenderness, Shock Maturation Chill should follow a RapidRigor electro-stimulation system installed immediately after plucking.

Shock Maturation Chill is a two-stage, multi-tier system. In the first stage birds are chilled rapidly to inhibit the growth of bacteria. Moisture is applied to all inside and outside surfaces to keep weight loss to a minimum and to help the chill process, which uses very cold air at very high velocities.

In the second, longer stage, birds are chilled slowly, using less cold air at lower velocities to speed up proteolytic breakdown.

  • Sigma/T90 overhead conveyor system
  • “Plus” Moisturizing on 180° corner wheels outside tunnel
  • Simple day-to-day operation
  • Complete automatic in-line system
  • Detailed “tracking and tracing” information
  • Chilling giblets on a conveyor belt in tunnel possible


Marel offers a range of service solutions to prevent failures, maximize performance or in case of unexpected breakdowns remote or onsite assistance.

Marel has offices in 30 countries across all regions, and a global network of highly skilled professionals that provide remote as well as onsite service support. We provide quality spare parts and customized service agreements for our customers to ensure optimal performance of Marel equipment.

Scott Margo Sechler
Bell Evans Scott Sechler

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