
Paw Cutter

Fast and reliable cutting of feet into paws and shanks

  • Performs perfectly at high hourly throughputs
  • Handles all kinds of foot cuts
  • Able to upgrade broken feet to A-quality paws
  • Highly reliable operation


Paws (feet without shanks) are an attractive product in China. It is therefore lucrative to produce A-grade paws, which is exactly what Marel’s Paw Cutter does. In a processing plant, the Paw Cutter is installed at the end of the feet processing line after the Selective Foot Unloader.

The Paw Cutter receives feet, from which it cuts off the shanks. It handles all kind of feet, regardless of cut, resulting in a higher yield. This means that even broken feet can become A-grade paws. The machine cuts the foot just below the shackle, using a very reliable technique. 

A-quality only

Marel’s Paw Cutter is a robust, reliable 16-unit carousel machine in the renowned RS frame. As it is the last machine before the Feet Processing System, it releases all paws from the line, using the integrated unloader. Now, the Feet Processing System will only scald, peel and chill A-grade paws.


  • Suitable for 15,000 shackles per hour
  • Precise positioning of the foot before cutting
  • Bypassable, to process feet instead of paws
  • Integrated unloader releases all paws
  • 16-unit carousel 
  • Mounted in Marel RS frame


Marel offers a range of service solutions to prevent failures, maximize performance or in case of unexpected breakdowns remote or onsite assistance.

Marel has offices in 30 countries across all regions, and a global network of highly skilled professionals that provide remote as well as onsite service support. We provide quality spare parts and customized service agreements for our customers to ensure optimal performance of Marel equipment.

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