

Intelligent evisceration management

  • Higher yield, cleaner carcasses, improved hygiene
  • Data-driven optimal performance
  • Auto-adjustment to flock changes
  • Real-time machine health monitoring


Technical innovations enable the Nuova-i to separate the viscera pack from the carcass super efficiently. Viscera packs will be uniform and compact, resulting in higher yield, cleaner carcasses and even higher hygienic operation standards. As a result, loose hanging intestines, which risk cross-contamination when they touch one another, will be virtually nonexistent.

It will no longer matter if a broiler flock is of an odd size or shape. The distance adjustment between shoulders can be set, and the shackle guide can be adjusted for long and short feet. The robust spoon will do its positioning and drawing job with utmost care and precision.

Added intelligence

With the Nuova-i, evisceration enters the digital era. The machine is software-controlled by a touchscreen on it. The human-machine interface (HMI) display is an extremely user-friendly interface, allowing for interaction and communication with the mechanical components of the machine. 


Once a recipe setting has proven to be successful for certain flock characteristics, the Nuova-i will remember this flock setting with a single tap on the screen. All relevant eviscerator settings will adjust themselves accordingly. The result will be a smooth and constant process flow. 

There is no longer much human technological knowledge needed for optimal eviscerator performance; it is now data-driven. Handing over shifts from operator to operator will become easy.


  • 24-unit carrousel
  • 15,000 bph [250 bpm] capacity
  • LED interior lighting
  • EComp product shackle
  • Nuova VS pack shackle



Nuova-i comes standard with SmartBase software, allowing for real-time machine health monitoring. It is possible to "take a look into the machine" while it is running. The HMI screen gives a clear overview of the machine's status. SmartBase software also logs all kinds of machine settings; it can display historical performance data to reveal potential trends. 

The optional ProductionBase software package provides maximum insight and control. It gives an even more detailed overview as well as real-time analysis at evisceration unit level. This allows plant managers to take immediate and precisely targeted action, if an issue with the eviscerator arises, an example being an underperforming evisceration unit.


With the addition of IMPAQT software, information from other connected equipment in the primary processing line becomes available. Relevant performance data and analyses are on hand in the central control system. It is now possible to measure line efficiency, analyze the performance of other machines such as LineLink transfer systems and see the reasons for downtime.

Nuova-i's internet connection opens up many ways of communicating, even in the cloud. Monitoring all data remotely from a central control room will be possible. If required, Marel's back office can connect with Nuova-i. A remote service program stands ready to help with tailor-made support in terms of updates, data monitoring, reporting, maintenance instructions and service guidelines, without the need for the physical presence of a Marel engineer on site.


Marel offers a range of service solutions to prevent failures, maximize performance or in case of unexpected breakdowns remote or onsite assistance.

Marel has offices in 30 countries across all regions, and a global network of highly skilled professionals that provide remote as well as onsite service support. We provide quality spare parts and customized service agreements for our customers to ensure optimal performance of Marel equipment.


Andrei Brumaru

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