
LegPositioner NT

  • Automatic & selective positioning of leg products
  • Labor saving
  • In-line traceable processing


The in-line LegPositioner automatically unloads selected leg products from the ACM-NT cut-up shackle and positions them perfectly on a belt conveyor, always in the same fixed position and (adjustable) pitch. 

Several downstream process steps benefit: Retail packing (catch of fixed weight) becomes easier as products are always presented in the same way to the operator, RoboBatcher packing robot or grader. This saves labor and makes packing and styling jobs easy.

Furthermore the LegPositioner can improve automatic infeed into a freezer, an injector, deskinner, a belt grader or even the ValueSpray and several batching solutions.

  • In line processing: Weight and quality information on product level enables selective processing
  • Supports full trace-ability 
  • Improved ergonomics for operators 
  • Consistent, operator friendly presentation of products
  • Improved hygienics, because of less manual handling
  • Uniform skin-up positioning: better skin presentation
  • Reliable and controllable infeed of downstream operations
  • Smart and robust design
  • Very small footprint
  • Optimum clean ability
  • Very attractive ROI


Marel offers a range of service solutions to prevent failures, maximize performance or in case of unexpected breakdowns remote or onsite assistance.

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