Marel office

Corporate governance

We are committed to recognize general principles aimed at ensuring good corporate governance. Take a look at our approach to corporate governance.

Our approach

Icelandic law and the company’s corporate governance framework determine the duties of the various bodies within the company. They define and dictate how the company is governed and controlled – including the interaction between the CEO, who is responsible for day-to-day management, the Board of Directors, shareholders, regulators, and other stakeholders. Marel is committed to recognized general principles aimed at ensuring good corporate governance.

Marel’s corporate governance consists of a framework of principles and rules, including its Articles of Association and the Guidelines on Corporate Governance issued by the Iceland Chamber of Commerce, Nasdaq Iceland and the Confederation of Icelandic Employers.

CMD 360 Stage

Our leadership

Meet Marel’s Executive Board and Board of Directors, and learn more about the colleagues leading Marel's strategy and strong brand around the world.

Processing Plant Presentation

Board composition and committees

A major share of the Board’s work is carried out in its sub-committees, the Remuneration Committee, the Audit Committee and the newly established Nomination Committee. Sub-committee members are appointed by the Board of Directors for a term of one year, in accordance with the rules set for each sub-committee by the Board.


Shareholder meetings

Annual general meetings and other shareholder meetings are some of the most important events in the company’s calendar. The AGM enables shareholders to discuss performance, make proposals, vote, and agree upon the company’s future objectives, ambitions and direction.

Corporate governance

Governance documents

Marel's articles of association, code of conduct, rules of procedure, and policies.

Discussion of notes

Risk management

Effective risk management is the key to Marel’s sustainability and underpins the company’s long-term relationship with its customers and other stakeholders.

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