Fish Swimming

Committed to a sustainable fish industry

Leaving a big impression with a small footprint, the journey towards a sustainable fish industry

Sustainability is at the core of our business. Our groundbreaking solutions reduce waste while improving yields and creating economic value. We are setting industry-leading standards in food processing for our customers, suppliers, employees and retail consumers.

Here are examples of measures that are contributing to the green transition through the performance of our equipment, software and services, our way of working, and the way we run our operations.

Blue Digits Innova

Data solutions

Data is the key to more sustainable processing.

The opportunities that data and connectivity offer to improve sustainability are tangible and ever-increasing.

Learn about how our software solutions are contributing to a more sustainable fish processing industry:

IMPAQT Factory Tablet

Food safety

Automated solutions reduce the risk of human error to improve product and workplace safety.

Advanced fish processing equipment accurately detects hard contaminates, reduces human contact, and increases processing throughput, providing a fresher, safer product to the market.

Read about how you can increase food safety in your production:

Flexicut Twin Visir

Food waste

Our equipment maximizes raw materials by increasing production control, flexibility, and accuracy.

We collaborate with our customers to create circular-economy opportunities that turn waste and offcuts into profitable products such as pet food, skin care and medicine.

Explore the many ways we are reducing food waste:

Innova Salmon Barcode


Making products traceable from catch to supermarket minimizes costly recalls and maximizes market impact.

The connectivity between our software and equipment provides full-line traceability, making it easy to comply with government regulations, and meet consumer demand for nutritional and source insight.

See how traceability can transform your business:

Fish Sustainability Ocean Co2

CO2 Footprint

We are constantly working on reducing carbon emissions with our products, and within our operations and supply chain.

Learn more about our commitment on reducing carbon emissions:

Marel Water Treatment 1

Making waves in water treatment

Reliable, safe filtration and recycling options to manage wastewater with the utmost care and responsibility is vital.

We work closely with our customers to develop the most sustainable systems for their individual needs.

Discover our tailor-made systems:

Marel SensorX Fish detects bone and other hard contaminants in whitefishsh


We are committed to becoming NetZero by 2040. For our fish industry this means working with our customers to build equipment and solutions that improve production by utilizing sustainable options.

Even small changes can make big differences, keep up with the latest advances in sustainability and more with our Fish newsletter, sent directly to your email inbox.

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